「该提交被拒绝因为论文的版式不符合 NeurIPS 的要求,且未充分匿名化。」
今年摘要提交的截稿日期提前到 2020 年 5 月 5 日,而论文提交的截止日期是 2020 年 5 月 12 日,此次调整目的是为了让社区能够合理的处理完增加的投稿量,以及配合提前拒稿这一新政策。 提前拒稿:领域主席会有两个星期时间去建议哪些论文会被提前拒绝,而且目前预计将有 20% 左右的论文会被提前拒绝。紧接着高级领域主席会有一个星期的时间来审核及批准这一决定。批准之后,这些论文作者将会得到通知。 作者也是审稿人:此次改变提出,在需要时,论文作者或联合作者都需要同意审稿。这一改变有助于增加审稿人员的总量,并可以在提交论文的员中更加公平地分配审稿的工作量。 更广泛的影响:作者被要求在他们提交的文件中包含新的讨论部分,而讨论部分是关于他们的研究工作可能产生的影响,包括一些可能导致的正面的或者负面的社会影响。 Spotlight 视频:社区要求所有作者在提交作品时都上传一段视频,主要是记录该工作的 Spotlight 展示,该视频和 camera-ready 版论文一同提交。同时,社区也在推进远程演示以及远程参会,他们也能看到这样的视频展示。
This submission is summarily rejected because:
- There is not a significant contribution with respect to previous work; for example, the paper presents an incremental method, the gains are not significant, or the main theoretical results are variations of known results.
- The proposed approach is not supported with sufficient empirical evidence, or important baselines are missing.
I'm sorry, but the summary rejection decisions are final.
Please be assured that your AC did read the paper, as did the senior AC who confirmed their decision.
From their internal discussion, the following concerns emerged: the proposed method did not have enough contribution because it was a collection of known techniques, and the experiments did not include enough ablation studies, making it hard to properly motivate the architectural and methodological choices made by the authors.
Even if you disagree with these arguments and motivations, you may want to consider clarifying these aspects in the future revisions of your work.
I realize that this is a disappointing outcome, and I wish you the best for future submissions.
谢凌曦认为,这种敷衍的态度是对于研究者的不尊重,这种做法也是在浪费作者的宝贵时间。作为世界顶级的机器学习会议,每年都会有大量的研究者将自己最好的工作投稿至 NeurIPS,这样的拒稿方式,可能会伤害一部分研究者的热情。