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Science AI




Synced Global AI Weekly | 2018.8.4—8.10

Interesting Uses of AI That You May Never Think ofAI Spots 40,000 Prominent Scientists Overlooked by Wikipedia

AI is often criticized for its tendency to perpetuate society’s biases, but it’s equally capable of fighting them. Machine learning is currently being used to scan scientific studies and news stories to identify prominent scientists who aren’t featured on Wikipedia.

(The Verge)

This Robot Uses AI to Find Waldo, thereby ruining Where's Waldo

Built by creative agency Redpepper, There’s Waldo zeroes in and finds Waldo with a sniper-like accuracy. The metal robotic arm is a Raspberry Pi-controlled uArm Swift Pro which is equipped with a Vision Camera Kit that allows for facial recognition. 

(The Verge)

Indian Techie Claims to Have Created First Hindi-Speaking Humanoid

The Indian equivalent of Sophia, the world’s first humanoid, Rashmi uses linguistic interpretation and artificial intelligence to pick up the feeling of a conversation and articulate appropriate responses.

(Sputnik News)


Object that Sounds

In look, Listen, and Learn and Objects that Sound (to appear at ECCV 2018), we explore this observation by asking: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to a large number of unlabelled videos?


CycleGAN Bikini Fix for Nudes

Adult content recognition with deep neural networks (ACORDE) for example can distinguish between sensitive and non-sensitive content, providing a binary classification result to completely block content containing nudity. However, such a solution can compromise user experience with digital media. An alternative approach is censoring only sensitive regions of an image.


When Recurrent Models Don't Need to be Recurrent

"In this post, we explore the trade-offs between recurrent and feed-forward models. Feed-forward models can offer improvements in training stability and speed, while recurrent models are strictly more expressive. "

(Berkeley AI Research)

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Remaking Human Skin: Neurobotics at Gordon Cheng's ICS Lab in Germany

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) had lured Cheng from a Japanese research institute. At TUM he founded the Institute of Cognitive Systems (ICS). With eight employees in a central office on Karlstraße 45, Cheng set to work on his arduous task: recreating the complexities of human skin and wiring it all to a brain.


Harvard & University of Toronto Researchers Apply Deep Generative Models to Inverse Molecular Design

Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling from Harvard University and Alán Aspuru-Guzik from the University of Toronto have successfully applied machine learning models to speed up the materials discovery process. 


Global AI Events

12–16 Aug
Vancouver, Canada
19–23 AugKDD 2018London, UK
20–24 AugCASEMunich, Germany
20–25 AugCOLINGSanta Fe, USA
20–24 AugICPRBeijing, China
21–22 AugArtificial Intelligence, Robotics & IoTParis, France

Global AI Opportunities

Aquifi needs Machine Learning Scientist, Computer Vision Engineer and Mechanical Design Engineer in Palo Alto, CA.

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GoogleAI in Ghana is recruiting Machine Learning Research Scientist, Research Software Engineer and AI researcher.

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Appthority is hiring Senior Software Engineer for Data System, Front-end, Cloud Back-end, Android and iOS in Mountain View, CA.

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Endgame wants Software Engineer (Frontend/Backend) and Site Reliability Engineer in San Francisco, CA and Arlington, VA.

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机器人学(Robotics)研究的是「机器人的设计、制造、运作和应用,以及控制它们的计算机系统、传感反馈和信息处理」 [25] 。 机器人可以分成两大类:固定机器人和移动机器人。固定机器人通常被用于工业生产(比如用于装配线)。常见的移动机器人应用有货运机器人、空中机器人和自动载具。机器人需要不同部件和系统的协作才能实现最优的作业。其中在硬件上包含传感器、反应器和控制器;另外还有能够实现感知能力的软件,比如定位、地图测绘和目标识别。之前章节中提及的技术都可以在机器人上得到应用和集成,这也是人工智能领域最早的终极目标之一。


在概率统计理论中, 生成模型是指能够随机生成观测数据的模型,尤其是在给定某些隐含参数的条件下。 它给观测值和标注数据序列指定一个联合概率分布。 在机器学习中,生成模型可以用来直接对数据建模(例如根据某个变量的概率密度函数进行数据采样),也可以用来建立变量间的条件概率分布。
