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Synced Global AI Weekly | 2018.7.7-7.13

Strategic AI Partnerships between Countries

India and South Korea Sign MoUs on Science & Innovation Technologies

The Government of India announced today that it has signed five memorandums of understanding (MoU) with South Korea to strengthen bilateral ties in the development of innovative technologies. The agreements were concluded at the Fourth India-Korea Science & Technology Ministers Steering Committee Meeting this week in New Delhi.

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UK & France Partner on AI

The Alan Turing Institute in the UK and France's DATAIA Institute have concluded an arrangement to collaborate in the arena of artificial intelligence and data science, part of a five-year commitment between the two countries to improve digital services.

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India Japan Partnership Group Holds "India Japan AI and Fintech Forum" in Tokyo

India Japan Partnership Group held the first India Japan AI and Fintech Forum in central Tokyo district of Marunouchi led by Mr. Sanjeev Sinha, IIT Kanpur Graduate and Founding President of IIT Alumni Association in Japan.

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NLP'S ImageNet Moment Has Arrived

Big changes are underway in the world of NLP. The long reign of word vectors as NLP's core representation technique has seen an exciting new line of challengers emerge: ELMo, ULMFiT, and the OpenAI transformer.

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Glow: Better Reversible Generative Models

"We introduce Glow, a reversible generative model which uses invertible 1x1 convolutions. It extends previous work on reversible generative models and simplifies the architecture. Our model can generate realistic high resolution images, supports efficient sampling, and discovers features that can be used to manipulate attributes of data. "

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Self-Driving Startup Raises Another $102 Million

Chinese autonomous driving solution provider has reported an additional US$102 million in Series A1 funding — just six months after scoring US$112 million — to bring its Series A total to US$214 million.

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Different Schools of Thought: How Silicon Valley Teaches Robots

At last month's ReWork Deep Learning for Robotics Summit in San Francisco, researchers from Silicon Valley AI labs and institutes discussed their latest work and how it is being used to teach robots. Synced was onsite to bring you an inside look at their work.

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Global AI Events

14-19 JulyMLDM New York, USA.
15-20 JulyACLMelbourne, Australia.
19-21 JulyMultimedia & Artificial IntelligenceRome, Italy.
25 JulAnthill InsideBangalore, India
26-27 JulyThe Fifth Elephant 2018Bangalore, India.
31 JulyAI SummitHong Kong.

Global AI Opportunities

Appier needs Machine Learning Scientist, Data Analyst, Frontend/Backend Engineer and DevOps Engineer in Taipei, Taiwan

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GoogleAI in Ghana is recruiting Machine Learning Research Scientist, Research Software Engineer and AI researcher.

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ShapeSecurity is hiring Senior Software Engineer for Data System, Front-end, Cloud Back-end, Android and iOS in Mountain View.

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Socure wants Senior Data Scientist, Quality Assurance Engineer and Senior Software Engineer in Chennai, India and New York.

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